Let's Talk Shop

Hello fellow educators. This blog is a way for me to share ideas about teaching and learning. I believe learning is a never ending process and as educators it is important to keep growing. So feel free to make suggestions, or steal any good ideas you may find here. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Curriculum Notes 12/1/11

It's December already!  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow---- somewhere else.
Here are the notes from the last CC meeting.  Thanks to Anita Hooker for going and taking better notes than I would have ever taken.           


*There is a WSFCS Writing Quarterly Benchmark Document that I am placing in your boxes.  If a version becomes available online I will drop it in the S drive in the writing folder.  This document details what kind of writing each grade level should be doing each quarter. 

*All on demand writing has been eliminated.

*All grade levels should complete 1 writing product per quarter (per student) and place those in the Literacy Folders.  If you did not do so 1st quarter, do not go back and do it. 

*For the writing, it is very important to emphasize and teach the writing process- Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing.  Students should become proficient in each step of the process.

*Each grade level will decide on a topic for the grade level.

*Writing rubrics are available on the S drive in the writing folder.

*Writing Samples for each grade level and each type of writing are now on the S drive in the writing folder.  It is the PDF file titled 'Common Core'.  It is a huge file---do not print!  Here is the link if you want to access it here:  http://www.maine.gov/education/lres/commoncore/documents/Common_Core_Standards-ELA_Appendix-C.pdf

It may be a good idea to look at the samples in your PLC's (hint, hint).

*4th grade does not enter scores into the Moodle until further notice.  The rest of the process remains the same.

A wonderful strategy for editing papers is the TAG strategy used in peer editing.  That strategy requires both students to Tell something they like, Ask clarifying questions, and Give Suggestions.  This is a good way to get students to think critically. 

*I am placing another document in your box that gives more information about each type of writing at each grade level. 


In starting to look at common core, it is important to begin unpacking the 8 Standards for Mathmatical Practice in our common core trainings now.  All of the unpacked documents for Math K-5 are now on the S drive in the Common Core Math folder.  Enjoy!

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